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Membership creates strength

Becoming a member means being part of something that will support Kohala's people, lands and way of life for generations

to come.

Membership creates a voice

Become a member today.

KCLT only exist as a tool for our community to support and guide itself. Everyone matters.

Together we create the unique voice that echos the beautiful, talented, strong and heart-felt people of Kohala.​

There are two main categories of membership.


Resident Members:

Have voting rights.

Must have their primary residence in North Kohala and be 18 years of age or older.


Supporting Members:

Primary residence is outside of North Kohala but would like to support the Kohala community.


The annual dues of $20 are collected each calendar year starting in January.


Complete a membership application today.


I am interested in: (check all that apply)

I would like to become a:

** Annual dues of $20 will be collected for each year starting in January.

Membership & Donations

Membership - annual dues$20
Additional Donations are appreciated. Select a box or enter any amount you wish. Mahalo

** Membership confirmation may take up to ten days. Mahalo

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